auto dump 28
Published 3 days ago - 428 plays
something to get me back into the art of auto making
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- Lean Right
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Front Brake Advanced+
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Toggle Player View Race mode only
2 days ago
isekeb alr thank you
2 days ago
I never make a glitch knowing what it will be like, I just draw 2 lines slightly angled whenever the bike is going fast enough that I know it would enter the glitch, then I add more lines until the bike survives and does something cool. it's completely unpredictable
2 days ago
you can also add small lines like I did here, sometimes to prevent the rider from dying, sometimes to prevent a wheel from bouncing out, sometimes to allow recycling or spins
2 days ago
no-_holdup the idea behind glitches is that you force a wheel into a space which is too tight, this causes the wheel to "glitch" out of it, then you can create another tight space where the wheel ends up, and repeat until the glitch does what you want it to do