alaska trial
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2 weeks ago
Sfs_engineer43 I thought this was over bro, ur 6 days late
matincat stop yapping
3 weeks ago
Sfs_engineer43 bro you are giving urself a bad rep, ur never gonna make it like that (And still prob won't with ur shi- tracks)
BoppityBop nah like a level with tubes and stuff that are considered "trial-y", not just an off-road that is hard
2 weeks ago
Sfs_engineer43 I thought this was over bro, ur 6 days late
2 weeks ago
matincat stop yapping
3 weeks ago
Sfs_engineer43 bro you are giving urself a bad rep, ur never gonna make it like that (And still prob won't with ur shi- tracks)
3 weeks ago
BoppityBop nah like a level with tubes and stuff that are considered "trial-y", not just an off-road that is hard