desc sad
Published 4 weeks ago - 247 plays
Sadly, my YouTube channel; SirenHeadWyatt has been terminated due to the kids at my school spam reported me for exposing them. I have a new YT, but I havent posted any of my old videos yet, but I do have shorts. I lost 281 subs, so please sub. New yt:
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3 weeks ago
Sir__Human if it ever cpmes down to it, i know how to fight. People think i cant, but they dont know what i did at my previous school lol. I had to switch schools mainly because the old school sucked, but i had gotten into three fights with the same kid. I won each time, and i never threw a punch. I only choked him. He almost passed out if it werent for the lunch monitors
4 weeks ago
SirenHead if you do try and fight some schools got this thing called a zero tolerance system where both parties involved get in trouble no matter what it’s useful for when you do fight someone so they don’t snitch but it’s not useful for self defense
4 weeks ago
WXNT3D_2 but yeah I see what you mean g o.d gave us fists for a reason
4 weeks ago
Sir__Human NONONONO I mean PUNCHING/FIGHTING Not shooting!🤣