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5 years ago
Anonyymi just lately I've noticed that the goats always did their tracks using that technique. People nowadays rely on 'z' s which is way more consistent, but slower, so hopefully in a week or so I'll have gotten used to that technique. Does it mainly apply to offroads, or can it be used in other tracks to.
5 years ago
Anonyymi ahhhhh, thanks. That's what I needed to hear. :)
5 years ago
Unknown-Rider ye it looks good. you missed the timings at 6.20-6.70 but did 7.20-7.80 correctly. when it comes to bumbs that small, luck plays a huge part obviously so you're bound to miss some.
5 years ago
Anonyymi sorry for the spam, but does this look better? i felt like I was pulling back more, but i would like to know your thoughts