My Dearest SirHuman01
Published 6 months ago - 2.1k plays
Dearest SirHuman01, it is with the utmost ardor that I write to you from LBS, for I have long admired your presence from afar. Your tracks, so beautiful - oh, so beautiful! Oh, if only fate would weave our paths closer, that we might acquaint ourselves more deeply. Love, MadamHuman01.
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6 months ago
My dearest, I've missed you very, very much since that last night we were together and will hold that night especially in my memories for years to come.
6 months ago
I've been sitting here, looking at your picture, and getting more homesick every minute. I've wanted that picture more than anything else I know of except, of course, you yourself. I keep thinking of you, darling, keep wishing I could be home with you.
6 months ago
I want to leave in the worse possible way so I can come home to see you, but things don't look so good in that subject. This war has spoiled a lot of things for everyone, I guess. I've never been so lonesome in my life as I am right now. I'm completely lost without you, darling. I never realized I could miss any one person so much. I just hope it won't be too much longer until I'm able to be with you again and live a sane and normal life.
6 months ago
cmLd idk man