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1 year ago
Larry the lava lamp, luminescent and lively, Lavishly lighting up a lonesome lounge, Liquid layers lazily loll and linger, Leaping and looping, a luminous language. Lustrous lava leaps, a languid dance, Like liquid lightning, it lends its lance, Lingering in luminosity, a luminous lance, Lulling the listener, a luscious trance.
1 year ago
Luminous lava, a lavish show, Lingering, lapping, a lighthearted glow, Loyal companion in the land of night, Larry the lava lamp, a radiant delight. Lively and limber, Larry's light, Luminary of the living room, so bright, Lending warmth to the lonely night, Lava lamp legend, a luminous sight. In the labyrinth of darkness, Larry's luster, Lifts spirits, like a lighthouse, it clusters, Luring gazes with its liquid lustre, Lingering on, a luminescent muster.
1 year ago
Lost in the liquid, a labyrinth of light, Larry the lava lamp, a luminous knight, Leading the way through the dark of night, Lavishing the room with its lovely light. In the land of shadows, Larry reigns, Luminous lord of the lava plains, Leaping and lapping, its light sustains, Lulling the soul with its gentle strains. Lavender hues and luminous lines, Larry's legacy forever shines, Like a beacon in the darkest mines, Lava lamp luminary, for all time.
1 year ago
larry the larry