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10 months ago
So you see? Bomboclat has stayed VERY AWFULLY quiet since I dropped that message. He is scared of me and I challenge him to a duel in the music hallway.
12 months ago
Bomboclat Once again that is not nice at all. You see, I am better at every sport than you other than basketball but I will absolutely obliterate your ankles in any other sport. Also, please don't assassinate Kendrick. He is really good at music. Gashek is a very good dog and he doesn't have kids so you cant eat them anymore. I am not a woman so I don't really cook. Basically my point is that your threats are very unprofessional and they don't matter. However, I will microwave your hamster.
12 months ago
Zadunaiski No. I will proceed in regards to my plans to assassinate your dog, your dog's children, and your favourite music artist. Anytime you play a sport, I'll be the one to ensure your ankles get destroyed. Anytime you cook something, I'll sneak in the flavour of coleslaw. Anytime you take a liking to someone, I''ll ask you guys to swap phones.
12 months ago
Bomboclat You know Bomboclat. I was going to thank you and even like your tracks. But no, now I will begin my villan arc because of you. I thought u really meant that you love my track and think it's awesome. But turns out you are a liar. You have greatly upset me and now I will tell the authorities and make sure to get you banned immediately and as soon as possible. My dad works for Roblox and Fornite so all your vbucks and robux will be taken away from you forever. Apologize to me right now.