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1 year ago
S-P-X-W-N-S not talking about you
1 year ago
S-P-X-W-N-S remember how I was there when very easy series started, not worth it in my opinion to ask for likes for it to continue, the players will come once it is posted, always better to put time into the series and the results will follow
1 year ago
a_drain yeah, i just hate begging people for a thumbs up symbol lmao.
1 year ago
BackPain It's just how screwed up the system is. My guess is that little kids like to be a part of something and if they see a goal given, they automatically click the like button. I'm quite certain that if you post a track like "coming soon" with the title, "10 likes to continue" it will reach well into the 50s, at least. Whatever happened with Radio_Silence I don't even know. I guess cause it's a hard track and non-spacebarrers don't really get to appreciate the beauty of the harder rides.