Minecraft preview 2 (Desc)
Published 2 years ago - 491 plays
Sad news, I have no time to finish at end of year, trying my best to fit this in with all the examinations. If it becomes to stress for me, I will have to quit FRHD. And ask someone to help me mcontinue this track. :(
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2 years ago
N200889213 E.g. They an English Oral test in the first month and they do the next English test in another 2 months. In between the tests you have normal timetable
2 years ago
N200889213 Yes they do spread the test over the course of 6 months
2 years ago
jamal384 oof. That's rough. How does that work, do they spread tests out across 6 months? (I'm australian, so I know nothing about the education system in singapore)
2 years ago
I am singaporean too, i had to go through the same exams