Thanks For OA! (Hold Up)
Published 2 years ago - 416 plays
Thanks @Totoca12 for giving me OA and @S-P-X-W-N-S For asking Totoca12. I would have asked when I got 50 subs, (and we all know that wont be for a while) But he asked and I got it early. You may have noticed the star is bad because I was planning to make it in a few minutes. That didnt happen...
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2 years ago exactly
2 years ago I feel the same about it being handed out less but I am happy to have it and tip for Totoca12 hand it only either at an certain amount of subs or amount of good tracks something like that
2 years ago
WhiteThumb don’t worry bout hundred tracks you can just ask now if you want ;)
2 years ago congrats bro