That would be helpful
Published 2 years ago - 260 plays
if u sub to me ill sub to u but comment that u subed and pls dont lie because soon karma will get u and if ur one of the people that are like "jUst AnOtHeR PersOn BegGinG FoR LikEs" then just leave, no one cares ok
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2 years ago
NARVAAA is that a problem
2 years ago
BackPain ok and you were my friend at the time but not anymore because ur a bitc*
2 years ago
EarthShine ok thx
2 years ago
NARVAAA it's a joke, because you had words, then STUDENT, in your name, not sure why so many people have that in their usernames but they do so I was making a joke, I don't think this is actually asking for likes