Bad trials be like:
Published 2 years ago - 383 plays
"LiKe anD sUsCirbE pLs!11!1" This track is a stereotype on bad trials, with bad tubes, genned parts, etc. Follow proper tutorials (like cerulean's one). Avoid putting these things, and if you once put, don't worry, nobody is perfect, even i used to put these things a lot of times a long time ago.
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2 years ago
I did the first part got jump to the portal bit and got teleported to the wrong one lmao
2 years ago
tas ghosts also break when you switch tabs, but it's kinda luck-dependent.
2 years ago
Phlipping staying too much in a checkpoint or something. tas ghosts actually break, for me it's more often than with most tas users (unluckily)
2 years ago
how did you manage to break a tas