1 like=1 jump + 100
Published 2 years ago - 1.4k plays
For every like on this track, there will be 1 more jump added to a 100 jump track
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2 years ago
MatthewMatthew58 Idk man I'd base it off the quality of the tracks they are giving. some people get subs in ridiculous numbers with hardly any effort given. You are not like this, I trust your quality and your ability to deliver.
2 years ago
The_risen_skyrider Y’know, people should really trust people with more than 100 subs. Normally if they have got to that point then they will deliver.
2 years ago
i liked
2 years ago
MatthewMatthew58 most people think it is like-baiting as most people who do this dont do what they've promised.