goodbye, cookie
Published 3 years ago - 199 plays
my ex-friend, cael (more well known as Da_cookie_master.) he's been lying to me about something for a couple of months now. a bunch of my friends have turned on me, and all i have left is my friend Danny. it's hard to lose friends, but you just push on, you know? -spenser
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3 years ago
people don't mind him He's just going agro on me lol press F to pay respects
3 years ago
i didnt lie. you just kept hurting people. once i finally told you, you threw a fit, just like you have everytime you cant turn on acheivements in minecraft
3 years ago
BREADspenserryall you say that because you want Everyone to feeel bad for you.
3 years ago
wow. you realy have to say that though youve been stabbing people in the back and causing fistfights and arguments.