Hackers(read disc)
Published 3 years ago - 186 plays
How do people get really low times on certain levels even though they die or they do nothing? How do you do it(I'm not going to, because it's stupid and lazy, instead of actually trying, I just want to know how and why someone does it) Please sub or send friend request
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3 years ago
L7NX Okay, okay
3 years ago
FreeBanned91 I agree with you can you check forums again pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee?
3 years ago
yoinkkkkeed But why? Just to show the world that they're just bad at the game?
3 years ago
they use third party programming systems to break into logs and steal the commands that make you have to hit the star to complete it then they take out the command that makes you have a certain time to get 0.00.00 if they dont do that they will get 100.59.59. i know this because i hack too, just not this game FreeBanned91 did that help u?