Help Please...

Published 3 years ago - 312 plays
T 2k -15
-u 68 -m 6k -9 76 0 7h a 7s k 87 u 8h 18 8r 1j 94 1u 9d 2a 9m 2l 9u 32 a6 3e ad 41 ao 4s b4 5o bf 6m bo 7l c0 8l c6 9m cb ap ce bt cg cg cg d9 cg ep cf g8 ce hl cb j1 c8 kb c4 lk bv mr bq o1 bk p4 bd q7 b5 r8 as s7 aj t5 a9 u1 9u ur 9i v8 9c,-u 68 -12 62 -1b 5n -1l 5d -1u 55 -28 4u -2i 4p
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3 years ago
My friend has a glitched star and he is wondering how he can remove it in the code.