Ultimate Competition!
Published 3 years ago - 5.3k plays
The ultimate competition with 3 types of track: trial, offroad and smooth. You can just do your favourite type of track or do all of them in one run and complete the comp! Winner gets a free sub, likes on all of their track and a shoutout! Go for it!!!
Desktop Controls
- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
- Last Checkpoint
- Remove Checkpoint
- Restart Track
- Pause
- Zoom In/Out or
Toggle Player View Race mode only
Loading Leaderboard
3 years ago
wow... my ghost broke :(
3 years ago
Free_Rider_Official and\ in 1000th place there's yoinkkkkeed who found out a way to look like a noob for 5:19.24 strait!!
3 years ago
And in 3rd place, winning a shoutout, with an excellent ghost, Pie42 ! ~~~ Again, what an amazing effort from everyone, it was a difficult track, and a very close ghost leaderboard, great job everyone! I hope you enjoyed my competition, it was very fun to make, publish, watch the ghosts, get absolutely amazed by the ghosts, and announce the winners. Tag me if you would like me to make something like this again ;)
3 years ago
NOTICE: ~~~ COMPETITION WINNERS ANNOUNCED! ~~~ First of all, congratulations to everyone who completed and played this track, it was quite difficult and challenging, so great job to everyone who did it! ~~~ Ok, let’s announce the winners! ~~~ The 1st place reward of a free subscription, likes on all of their tracks, and a shoutout goes to... Cork ! ~~~ In 2nd place, winning a sub and shoutout, with a ghost time extremely close to first... RedOrBlue ! And in 3rd place... (view above)