Maybe. Desc
Published 4 years ago - 406 plays
It seems that many people dont think im good or they just plain dont like me. i have this problem in real life. i dont know what caused people to feel this way or why but i hope i can resolve this. i am holding consideration of leaving unluess these people agree to just be friends. farewell :/
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3 years ago
Terilune ples read desc
3 years ago
Ch33pP1ay5 what's up
3 years ago
Ch33pP1ay5 If you ever need any advice/help on tracks or FRHD, mention me. I won't help with your life though because I won't intrude like that. Only FRHD. Keep your chin up! ;D
3 years ago
Ch33pP1ay5 It's true that there are always haters in the world, that's why everything on FRHD and even in the whole world will get at least one dislike. For example, people such as me, you and others like RadiumRC make great tracks but still get disliked. But know that there will always be more kind, nice, friendly people in the world and on FRHD, because it's easier to influence kindness than hatred. Know that there will always be someone nice to you, such as myself.