Something. read desc
Published 4 years ago - 348 plays
So there are some things i want to talk about, this is basically a rant level. So, a few weeks ago, i had a mental breakdown, i dont know why, it just happened, also a few days later i started falling asleep less. so i figured i had insomnia, and i dont know how to deal with it. (Read comments.)
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4 years ago
btw... thats not just a bunch of bs below... thats all stuff ive been doing for a few months... mainly b/c i didnt want to take any brain altering meds... thought id try easy, natural stuff first... and it has really helped! :)
4 years ago
you are not alone... depression/anxiety can come and go... so the easiest things to try: diet, exercise, & better sleep. 1.) try to eat less "junk"... 2.) find some woods w/ walking trails... just walk & try to not think about stuff... just look at the nature. 3.) dont sleep w/ tv on. i got a sound machine that i set to "rain w/ thunder"...never slept better. there are tons of yt vids as well w/ all kinds of relaxing sounds... if none of that works, talk to a doc. :)
4 years ago
the_kid_weeb thanks?
4 years ago
the_kid_weeb you too.