Can you descend... on BMX???

Published 4 years ago - 213 plays
Lol, took to long to finish because im bad at bmx but im sure some of you are better. Join the White Hate Gang and where a white hat cosmetic
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4 years ago
Ill1 Anyone, sorry for the late reply didnt get the noti , but it just has to be white
4 years ago
WhiteHat which one?
4 years ago
WhiteHat I don't have a white top hat sadly, but I have - white BMX helmet, white dragon head, white long hair, white horse head, white unicorn head, white skull, and white classic pixel. Which one should I wear?
4 years ago
WhiteHat But... I've always worn either purple pirate hat or black dragon! I don't even know if I have a white hat, I'll check my collection of 85 ;)