I'll be gone
Published 4 years ago - 348 plays
Like basically everyone I'll be leaving. I have summer vacation and I can't bring my Chromebook. I'll really miss you guys. Now for the big reveal. I'LL BE GONE...FOR...THREE...WHOLE...DAYS!
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4 years ago
mbcool noooooooooooo
4 years ago
Anyway I gotta go. Those three days includes today. I'll be back sooner than you thought. I leave on the first day and come back on the third.
4 years ago
If I went on a super long vacation I would bring my Chromebook. (That I own not my school one.) This basically means that I won't stop FRHD unless I get disinterested or have to focus on other stuff. (Kinda doubt it.)
4 years ago
I still have to do my final exams starting tomorrow