(desc) two more things
Published 4 years ago - 279 plays
If you want to contact me: I'm on discord, my username and tag is RuralAnemone#2614
last thing: I'm a huuuuuuge Earthbound/MOTHER fan.
seriously. I'm currently willing to spend like 14k yen on a Mr. Saturn plush (I'm from 'merika, but it's being sold from japan).
That kind of big fan...
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4 years ago
RuralAnemone noice, man, uve got some retro games
4 years ago
and MOTHER 3 is for the GBA
4 years ago
JacksonRassi I haven't played MOTHER 1 yet (it's an NES game btw)
4 years ago
JacksonRassi REALLY good nintendo games. Earthbound (or MOTHER 2) is a SNES game that's basically about friendship and destroying an evil overlord that has taken control over everything. MOTHER 3 is the sequel, it's basically about a small village that has no technology and they're fine with it, but then some people invade the village and try to give them technological advancements but all it does is make the town worse.