Watch Your Head
Published 4 years ago - 2.8k plays
be careful not to bike through the cave so fast, as there are bombs you can hit! (shoutout to Cerasium, DrChill, and Uniior for coming in the top 3 on my last track. all of them may or may not have more subs than me, but let's ignore the small details)
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4 years ago
yay comments that arent 6 years old
4 years ago
RandomTurtleBoi they don't know that I'm a critic and if i say "The FRHD Critic" people will say why isn't your name thefrhdcritic lmao
4 years ago
and TheHeliGuy what does 'The FRHD Critic "SpeggiMan"' help with
4 years ago
ShamatoZ yeah ig