wood features
Published 4 years ago - 5.3k plays
So this time instead of using curved tool I did straight tool for everything that you ride! I hope you like the wooden detail! Tell me how you liked it or didn't like it in the comments! As always I want feed back on how to improve! Now, go shred wood features cave with the bmx! ~shrimpersgate
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4 years ago
shrimpersgate offroads exist
4 years ago
Terilune well what besides smooth tracks, trials? I have already made a bunch of those.
4 years ago
shrimpersgate like what DrChill said, some more stuff added besides wood and cave would make it stand out a lot more. keep using straight lines, it makes for a lot more fun rides. also something other than smooth tracks would be nice :D
4 years ago
goofyinc Hey how did you like it? Anything to improve?