Trials Day 6 (Desc)
Published 4 years ago - 243 plays
Hey guys, welcome to trials day 6, my 10th subscriber, recommended I make the holes and bumps bigger, you know who you are. So I did exactly that. If you have any more ideas for trials, let me know. A sub and like is always appreciated. Have a awesome day!
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4 years ago
Obbyspeeder10 Hey, I make the maps every day! So I will make more. I can also try to add less checkpoints, sure!
4 years ago
CoRRuPtioN_789 this is already looking better then the other one! not that the other trial is bad, but this is better. please keep making more trial maps! but maybe less check points? it's fine in the editor so you have to keep doing the track over and over again, but when you publish it try taking some off