Trial Tuber 7 (Medium)

Published 4 years ago - 281 plays
Hello , this is ep 7 of Trial tuber and I want to apologise for my 10 sub special because it was classed as a 'copy' , I don't know what I copied. Anyway , rate fairly and ENJOY
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4 years ago
m0unta1nclimber013 ok. you never asked for them so i didn't give them to you: 7ate9 took parts of this track and put it in his track decay (hard). if that isn;'t enough, just go into the comments of decay (hard) and see what people are saying about this guy. i won't be replying to any more comments, due to the fact that i know this guy is a copier, and that most likely you are relatively new to the game and more inexperienced.
4 years ago
dantexpress Give me the links please. You haven't shown me evidence for your argument.
4 years ago
4 years ago
7ate9 wow very nicen't