Sir, Blob. (Series 1?)

Published 4 years ago - 367 plays
I think I might make this a series. Like if you want it to happen, dislike if you don't want it to happen.
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4 years ago
4 years ago
Okay let me rephrase also who said you didn't have a life? I'm saying please put all this effort of 8 tracks a day into idk 1 track every 3 days. and DETAIL IT. make it look good.
4 years ago
shrimpersgate who says i dont put effort into my tracks, a. I have an actual life, im learning how to drive (a dream of mine) I have school work todo or i cant do anything including frhd. b. school for takes more effort
4 years ago
SlipperyCheese okay look, please stop posting like 8 tracks a day that don't even have effort put into them