Im back (sort of)

Published 4 years ago - 380 plays
So as some of you might know my dad took my computer away because i'm going back to school.So I found a loophole . I asked to go to the library to´´Śtudy.But we know what happens there :)
.But my dad only lets me go on Sunday so yeah... Stay tuned new tracks every sunday......
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4 years ago
Scooterkid5 oh cool
4 years ago
Jony_Storm oh. well my library is open during the week and closed on sundays so thats why I was confused
4 years ago
Scooterkid5 yah but because of covid its closed during the week and only open on sunday
4 years ago
JonathanKulakevich nice dude. but aren't librarys usually closed on sunday?