Christmas Gift For The Pro`s
Published 4 years ago - 433 plays
This is a really fun trial gift for all the pro`s and if you make it with 1 or less death you got a free sub! Happy Christmas ( I am a little late sry) And a happy new year!
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4 years ago
tour1st no problem and I wish you luck for all of this
4 years ago
Chaos-Fallen thanks a lot :)
4 years ago
tour1st Yes, I've seen the thread and watched the video. You seem to have seriously overreacted to a question that I asked. You could've just given a simple answer as that was all I wanted. I never accused you or considered you a cheater but there was plenty reason for me to think that was so. I guess that you might just have to get used to the questions and doubts from other players as there is no way to entirely prove your legitimacy, although I believe you now.
4 years ago
tour1st The rate of spacbarring is changing, and I'm clearly not autospacebarring