Questions (Desc)
Published 4 years ago - 189 plays
There are some things i need to know about freerider. 1 how does a track get on trending and hot. 2 how does a track become featured. 3 Why does an extra star get added to some of my tracks? the star is also invisible and simply not there. so all my hard work goes to waste on some of my tracks, help
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4 years ago
ZuNoU ok thanks, i am so confused by the 3rd one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess ill never know lol
4 years ago
3. No idea, doesn't happen to me
4 years ago
2. featured tracks are chosen by moderators. They have to be really big, detailed, and consistent (both gameplay and decoration-wise.) As of now, only normal ride tracks have been featured (no trials, autos, holdups, or very difficult levels)
4 years ago
1. tracks get on hot if it has enough likes and little dislikes. Trending is the same but only if the views keep increasing a few days after publishing (i think). That stuff is managed by AI.