Random Star
Published 4 years ago - 299 plays
A star-type shape I made because I'm bored. You might have to go back checkpoints a couple of times to beat this.
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4 years ago
PossiblyMe That's awesome lol, I can picture that house in my mind along with a lot of the other locations, cool!
4 years ago
napolean dynamites house was my dads best friends house
4 years ago
PossiblyMe I used brake slightly too early on the 6th star, but other than that I think it is a virtually perfect ghost and I'd be amazed if anyone could beat it, including myself XD
4 years ago
Uncle_Rico this is random but napolean dynamite was made in the town that my dad grew up in, preston idaho. l also have a bowling pin that is from the bowling place kip and rico went in the movie