fuuuuuuuuuuuuck you ParkerBair

Published 4 years ago - 204 plays
if you are subed to ParkerBair then unsub he makes the worst tracks like omg people you need to hate on him to make him deleate his account also sub to me please
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4 years ago
ParkerBair_ALT i subbed
4 years ago
Fuzz_From_The_Floor his name was walmart or something like that and he claims that he is better that me even tho he made two tracks
4 years ago
G4xLuffy yeah they were hating on u because u were begging for likes. its really annoying when ppl do that because the people who spend time and work hard making good tracks dont get on trending or hot because ppl like you take it up without having a good track smh
4 years ago
G4xLuffy o dang ill make a travk and dedicate it to you and say to hate on him too