No one’s diary,the long fall
Published 4 years ago - 176 plays
This is a fun play one words for diary of a wimpy kid—and I know I’ll get a ton of haters for this—the books are terrible, but I thought it would be fun to make a hold-up where you just fall. And fall. And fall. So here is: No one’s diary, the long fall! Have fun!
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4 years ago
leader board 1. Aye_Bomber Aye_Bomber 0:10.70 2. ZackarySereika ZackarySereika 0:10.73 3. potatoLord1 potatoLord1 0:10.77 4. J543 J543 0:10.87 5. yeetman124 yeetman124 0:10.90