semi-Isekeb-style holdup(DESC)
Published 4 years ago - 230 plays
Isekeb is really good at making autos and holdups, and if you know about him and aren't subbed, WHY?!?! His tracks are so EPIC!!! i can only scratch the surface of what he is capable of, and you might know him by another name, F-O-X. On a side note, i learned that bmx is great for autos and holdups!
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Front Brake Advanced+
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4 years ago
isekeb oh thank you!!!
4 years ago
ileftwasyeetyeet220 thanks for the kind words. I can help you get your track code back on forums and then you can reupload with bmx.
4 years ago
im so dumb.
4 years ago
o carp. i forgot to save it.