First Track [Preview.]
Published 4 years ago - 704 plays
This is a preview of what this tracks outcome will be.
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4 years ago
4 years ago
YourKidding idk I couldn't make the rest of it because I was busy and threw this together and started to like it... I mean the finished version of this isn't going to be called First Track...
4 years ago
YourKidding Agreed I was gonna say the same thing. Imagine if I called my account a "preview account" and its only the first preview of my account. i'll make a new one later lol
4 years ago
Basalt since when does a preview to your first track make any sense? This is your first track. Period. What you should do instead would be to either upload a finished product, or make this your "First Track" and then upload a continued version later on.