Sub 2 me plz

Published 4 years ago - 422 plays
My yt is Braxton Simps I’m doing a giveaway at 100 subs I’m at 78!
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4 years ago
ImNotHyp3r cool idc stop hating
4 years ago
Ezyclaps with that mindset you never will get big. if you only put effort in when you have a lot of viewers then nobody will subscribe. people will see bad content and then never come back, meaning you will never get a significant amount of subs. if you want to get bug on the platform, you need to put a lot of effort into your videos from the very beginning. you wont just magically get big overnight, but you wont get any traction on the platform at all if you dont put effort into your videos.
4 years ago
ImNotHyp3r I’m not that big yet that I should
4 years ago
Ezyclaps try harder