Journey Of The Biker
Published 4 years ago - 166 plays
You are a biker but you are far from home make your travel, don't be a noob, you must make a travel, go over a ravine, a bumpy ride, a city, a school, a ship, and then in space, and then jump of space and you will land in your house Now this is going to get harder the closer you get to your home
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4 years ago
RadiumRC in the spaceship aproach to it with low speed, not too slow just a little slow and then stop moving and you will find a planet and a man saying "Go home", so jump of from where he is standing and wait until a wall hits your wheels and then if you are lucky you will land in the last star and a small house next to it
4 years ago
LexingtonGamer101 Where's the last star??