Published 4 years ago - 1.3k plays
Hey everyone. I know this isn't "trending" anymore but it's still important. I'm so sick of the hate and violence going on in the world. PLEASE +1 to spread awareness. I just want to bring this to everyone's attention. GODBLESS.
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2 months ago
All the people who dislikes are against BLM, FRHD has a toxic community it makes me sad
4 years ago
Uncle_Rico and also blacks make up 50% of violent crime and 30% of unarmed ppl shot by police in 2015 wr black and 50 wr white so ye
4 years ago
who care's 😑 stop talking about BLM and trump just care about your familly go have kids stop talking about 2020
4 years ago
Uncle_Rico did u try to actually beat me in an argument with a bullsh1t source like washington post tf no its not well known for its accuracy 1. the website is a fvcking dot com site and if u knew anything u would know not to trust solely a dot com source and 2. the washington post is well known for being a good amount to the left on the media bias chart so yeah maybe look at something besides the washinton post before trynna win an argument against me lmoa