Published 5 years ago - 220 plays
I told some kids at school I was FRHD famous. They said if I wasn't I would have to give them $30 Dollors or get beat up
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5 years ago
1968_Chevy_Camaro Well, I don't won't to get in a fight. but, I will just tell them to $crew off and then if they don't I will beat them up
5 years ago
Scooterkid5 Beat em' up first. I'm kinda the Bart Simpson of my school. I've learnt to fight back. Besides, you are better off being famous at school than on a video game...
5 years ago
Scooterkid5 me sad. me cri for u
5 years ago
Aditri_AKA_Rockstar for what. me getting beat up? then yes.