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5 years ago
a_drain Thanks a lot I will definately try it
5 years ago
As for wheelie holdups, you just make curved lines. Make a line that looks like a wheelie would work on it. When the front wheel goes too far forward, make a line curving downward. When the wheel goes down too much, make a line curving upwards.
5 years ago
and use a powerup like a boost, a gravity, or even a star or a teleport to get the rider elsewhere. you can also end it in a way that it leans too forward, that's easier to handle and you can make a spin out of it. for making smooth wheelies, pay attention to the rider's speed when adding curves. the faster it is, the bigger the arc should be. also avoid sudden turns and using brush or rough straight lines.
5 years ago
to make a somewhat long wheelie, place a line in a way that the bike stays balanced (doesn't lean back or forward too much). if it does, erase the part where it becomes unbalanced, and adjust it. if it leaned too far back, make the line in a bigger angle, otherwise in a smaller one. then continue it in the same way while keeping the lines connected. if it becomes too slow, you can try making a recycle like I did at the end