B Challenge #1
Published 5 years ago - 712 plays
Short challenge a_drain decided to do, just wanted to post something here, as we haven't in a while. Have fun, but don't dislike if it is too hard, it is very much possible. Enjoy! :)
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5 years ago
oof, more dislikes.
5 years ago
Cynic 2 seconds?? oh.I posted the track on the B team account anyway. That puts it in a whole new light; I did not know that they were that close together. I understand it much better now, so it was just bad luck. I was planning to apologize anyway, as I realize I was trying to guilt trip you guys, into feeling bad. It's fine; completely necessary now that I understand it. (I would've done the same if I knew)
5 years ago
sorry for that tho, upvoted
5 years ago
a_drain The_L_Team dudes chill out. nice challenge it was just that this came out seconds before d2 and we were refreshing constantly lol. i was hyped bc i was in the track. dont take kt personally.