lets go 2 church

Published 1 decade ago - 2.9k plays
Lets go 2 church is a Free Rider community classic track by medication.
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1 month ago
adversitas that is one belief we can all agree on
1 month ago
I believe..... it's possible
10 years ago
Pancakes345 why do you believe?
10 years ago
I am an atheist so I don't go to church. Christianity is based on a book written by sheep rapists in the desert thousands of years ago. Its a war mongering, selfish, bigoted, un-reason based, and un-fact based religion, although there are good things that come from it. Don't go to church (where they leave out all the bad from the BuyBull). The only thing that keeps people going is the promise that they get to be in heaven with jesus, unicorns, and magic.