Take Two (desc)
Published 5 years ago - 341 plays
this is a copied track all credit to BrendanMagill I don't want anyone attacking me bc of this
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5 years ago
ShamatoZ 1, How are you so good within 2 years of experience and on the leaderboard if you started later than me? 2, Why are you not on the leaderboard for this track?
5 years ago
ShamatoZ Yeah, I think I've got something going now. People seem to like my current tracks(I think I have one on trending), and I have a pretty good amount of subs, at least compared to 2 months ago. I had 3. Now I have 60 something, which is a pretty fast gain for me. Thanks for assessing the situation for us, ShamatoZ
5 years ago
Unsubbing forever that is enough!!
5 years ago
STOP COPYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!