Ultimate cave (ntbf)
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5 years ago
I thought you had gone totally innactive, glad to see you again btw!
tafr LMAO, I had no idea what you were on about with this comment until I scrolled way down to see that I @'ed you a long time ago XDD Nice ghost!!
RubeGoldberger Wolf777 it only took me like... 5 months to get around to it. that's pretty fast imo.
mudkip sad lenny me ᕮσ ʖ̯σᕭ
5 years ago
I thought you had gone totally innactive, glad to see you again btw!
5 years ago
tafr LMAO, I had no idea what you were on about with this comment until I scrolled way down to see that I @'ed you a long time ago XDD Nice ghost!!
5 years ago
RubeGoldberger Wolf777 it only took me like... 5 months to get around to it. that's pretty fast imo.
5 years ago
mudkip sad lenny me ᕮσ ʖ̯σᕭ