Totally not copied
Published 5 years ago - 446 plays
Lol if you have not seen this you are not a real free rider hd player, here is the code: 18 1i -18 1i,1a 1h 1a 1r -1b 1r -1b 1h,1a 1h -15 1h,u 1s u 3e k 3e k 1s k 3e u 3e u 1s,18 1s -18 1s -k 1s -k 3e -u 3e -u 1s -u 3e -k 3e -k 1s,18 1s 18 1i -18 1i,1i 3e -1i 3e 1i 3e 2g 3e 2q 3e 1s 3e,2q 3e 2q 3o 3
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5 years ago
I did it 10 times all different tralcs
5 years ago
RunningInTheOofs you know there is a limit for how long a description can be. It probably just cut off at the limit
5 years ago
thats not very nice
5 years ago
aidan123456789 you are garbage