I'm Back YAY (desc)
Published 5 years ago - 657 plays
Hello i'm back! On this account ill be making tracks and on mcox06 my other account will be my main account. This track is kinda long but theirs a lot of checkpoints. Enjoy!
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5 years ago
i never even knew you were here
5 years ago
Listen, no one really cares. I mean really, you don't have any "fans." I'm only saying this because it seems your under the impression that people genuinely care whether you create tracks or not. At the moment, your tracks are relatively boring compared to the tracks of a creator that people actually care about. I won't suggest any tips, because you would not take them out of resentment for me. Thank you for reading this. mitchelcoex
5 years ago
mitchelcoex Ty
5 years ago
MasterWrecker and also grant you a sub