19702 Code
ThePurpleBuccaneerPublished 5 years ago - 363 plays
19,702 stars! The OG plan was for 40,000 stars, but after half an hour of my python script just printing the same thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND, well, you get the point, I just stopped it and copied it into here. The entire track is hard-coded. Enjoy!
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5 years ago
ThePurpleBuccaneer i uploaded it, i will never play it
5 years ago
ThePurpleBuccaneer 308701 stars uploading
5 years ago
murphy_PRO ah. OK. We also have an oooooold iPad.
5 years ago
ThePurpleBuccaneer no its cool i just hsve an old ipad