Break 26 [RM]
Published 5 years ago - 685 plays
If you can beat 26 you get the nod. Either way please enjoy, and feel free to thumbs up if I'm not wasting my time!
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5 years ago
Finally broke 26... I don't even want to say how diligently and repetitiously I replayed this thing. Anyway, if there's anyone out there still hittin this track, there's a handful of areas I could have done better, and probably more than I even know for those pros out there. Point is I know 25.70 is not the best time if this track gets more plays
5 years ago
Popalu_1 Yes, or put differently, finish the track in less than 26.00 seconds. I can't do it, but I know it can be done
5 years ago
R_MACKEN as in what ? Get below than 26?