i get eaten by a braciasourus
Published 5 years ago - 468 plays
dont climb into a dinos mouth
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5 years ago
RubeGoldberger ayo top 2000! :D
5 years ago
ShamatoZ lmao, how have I never seen that! XD I'm in 1,964th place! WOOOOO! LET'S GO! TOPPING THE CHARTS! KEEPIN' IT GOING! GOING TO---- In The... something... wut XD
5 years ago
RubeGoldberger yep that's right (: and the leaderboards for player and author are right here on the website, just click the home icon, and scroll through the menu at the top, then find the bubble called leaderboard. in the top left it will say player, under that is friends, and last is author
5 years ago
ShamatoZ Dang, I didn't know there were so many leaderboards! XD Thanks, I can try to find them (in the forums I'm guessing?). Haha, I didn't think I'd be anywhere on those, cool! Yeah, you definitely should be at least top 10 for ghosting. It's probably outdated becuase there used to be waaay more spacebar pros just a few years ago right?