The Climb Preview

Published 5 years ago - 697 plays
I am going to start to do these climb courses so I can get better at doing this stuff and have fun too.
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Front Brake Advanced+
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5 years ago
ShamatoZ What you said is true, everyone can improve. No one is considered the best that no one will ever beat that person because you can always improve!
5 years ago
Xverse yep. But the fact that you said you are not even that good at it means that you have room to improve. My wish is to be the best non-spacebarrer of all time. My only competition is riders like DblU, since everyone considers him to be the best non-spacebarrer of all time.
5 years ago
ShamatoZ And plus, I didn't even beat you by that much; only by 1 second.
5 years ago
ShamatoZ You are really good, especially for a non-spacebarrer